- Stamp set (not necessarily with any ink, depending on your child. Bugaboo=no ink)
- *Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends Train (we just found Thomas and Toby together on sale for $9, woot)
- Puzzles (the little wooden ones without too many pieces are best)
- *Cars (Hotwheels, Matchbox, etc.)
- Little People (Fisher Price toys)
- Books
- Twistables & Colouring Book (or just a pad of paper)
- Finger Puppets
- Rubber Duckie
- *Pez Dispenser (we don't give him the candy, but he really loves the toy part)
- *Oh and don't forget any soothers or bottles or any other must haves. Bugaboo has recently started putting things in his mouth when he gets tired, so we give him chewy soothers to chew on.
Pretty much any smallish favourite toy that doesn't have parts that you can lose and that doesn't make noise (especially if you are on a plane for a few hours) works well. And our other trick...
Travelling with Toddlers Trick #2: Snacks (duh)
(note: that was my V8, he wouldn't have anything to do with the stuff; the bottle however...)
Well, it's not as obvious as it sounds because I know that they sell stuff on the planes, and there's all sorts of things you can buy in the airports if you have time, but it's hard to get something healthy so your little one isn't feeling all gross and junky for the next leg of the trip. Conversely, especially if your toddler has trouble with their ears on take off and landings, you need something to either chew/suck on or that's just so yummy they don't notice their discomfort. We ended up feeding Bugaboo a mix of carrots, cheese and crackers during the flight, and then gummy treats as we landed. We goofed for the first flight and had nothing on hand, and while he's normally fine he woke up during descent so cranky+ouchy ears=upset little boy. However, the promise of chocolate (the end all be all as far as treats are concerned) was enough to calm him until we touched down.
Oh, also, we got to actually use his Trunki, which we got for him just after Christmas. I guess that counts as Trick #3. Our opinion: ride on luggage=awesome. It doesn't turn well and it's not for rushing (not until he gets some better balance at least) but he didn't mind as we trekked up and down the terminal in search of a food vendor that preggo-mommy would actually be able to eat at. It was really nice being able to pull him along instead of trying to carry him or worse, get him to walk (he was exhausted; we all were). Plus, as an added bonus, watching him enjoy himself made mommy and daddy feel better too.
So we ended up with a decent (if exhausting) trip and a marvelous vacation. What a wonderful way to kick start our summer. Now, what to do next?
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