Saturday, July 23, 2011

for the love of wool

I'll preface this post with an invitation and a helpful piece of information. Firstly, Ravelry; check it out. My account name is Qalupilluit if you're ever interested what I'm currently working on. Secondly, when packing your knitting project away, try storing it with the needles point up (unless you're worried about safety, such as someone falling on them). The reason is so that if little grabby hands pull out the needle, all your work doesn't slide off of it. I found this one out the lucky way. Ok, now down to business...

Almost immediately after I picked up knitting last summer, I also found the joy and wonder of wandering around a cozy local yarn shop. So many colours, and textures and fibres with unlimited potential, I love it. However, it was shortly after my first few projects that I realized that different fibres knit up differently, and that I had a lot to learn about yarn.

With no real place to start, I stuck to cottons and synthetic blends, but would always snuggle the beautiful poufs of wool I'd find (before putting them back and buying a yarn I could handle). Plus, you don't have to know much of anything to see that some wools are extremely expensive, while seemingly comparable others aren't. I needed to know more, so when I spotted Clara Parks' 'The Knitters Book of Wool', I was ecstatic. This was another example of where my husband just couldn't understand my excitement (I get the same way when I bring home my books about bee-keeping).

I tore through the tome and was well rewarded. While I still fall far from knowledgeable, I had a basic understanding of this wonderful fibre. In addition, about half of the (slightly daunting in size) book is patterns selected to best illustrate how each characteristic of the different wools can be put to best use, such as the wispy fine wools for lacy shawls and easily washed super soft wool for baby clothes. Anyhow, armed with this small piece of knowledge and a few patterns I wanted to try, I then waited for our vacation back east because not far from our home town of Fredericton lies the wonderful Briggs and Little Woolen Mill. Awesome; I know.

Also awesome was that a whole crew of us wanted to make the trip down to see it. Now sadly, the mill itself was closed for the season, but the store was open and that was good enough for me. Without getting into too much detail, it was wonderful. Even my cousin's 3 year old had fun.

I will admit a slight pang of disappointment though, not in the trip or the store of the bags of beautiful wool we bought, but simply in the in-opportunity to wield my new found knowledge. You see, the mill (it is a small town operation at heart) buys it wool as many do, in large bushels. This is fine, but it is normally a mixture of fibres from different sheep, losing any specific qualities that had been bread into the animal. Briggs and Little's quality and variance of selection comes from the milling process, not the wool.

My husband, son and I were travelling to PEI the following week and my aunt, unknowing of my unfulfilled woolly-dreams mentioned another mill she had stumbled upon there. And this brings us to the second half of our journey, the Belfast Mini Mills and Fibre Store (and tea room; which really is the best possible thing to pair with knitting). Hours out of our way, my generous, supporting husband happily (well, like, without too much begging) agreed that we could check it out. And to be honest, even he was glad that we did (what?!).

It was marvelous! Better than I imagined. We bumped down the long driveway, past fields and barns, around to a small dirt parking lot edged by fenced in herds of goats, llamas and alpacas. Down past the pretty little tea house was the store. Opening the door my eyes hardly had time to adjust from the sunshine before the lady behind the desk welcomed us to their little store. Seeing that it was our first visit, she called a girl from the back room (later we found it to be the loom room; more on that to follow) to give us a tour around the mill. I wasn't sure my husband and son would be interested, so I was shocked when he quickly told her we'd love to.

It started with the chickens. Bugaboo was most impressed, especially with the chickies tripping over one another, bustling around their mama. Then she introduced us to some alpaca and pointed out their llamas and goats as well (it may have been the other way around, I don't really know llamas from alpacas, although, they're both fun to say). Inside was a blur of machines and fibres whirring and spinning madly. A few workers were in among them, but it was hard to tell which machines they were working on and which were churning out the various stages of wool on their own.

And then, believe it or not, it got even better. The batch they were currently working on was a fibre called qivuit. Now, Ms Parks, in her book had called qiviut her favourite wool, hands down, and had mentioned though that it was pretty pricey, it was worth it. So obviously, I was madly curious about the fibre, especially because it's not from sheep, but rather muskox. Well, I won't go into too much detail other than we were able to see it in all steps of processing, and feel it at the various stages. It is famous for being eight times warmer than wool and still being softer than cashmere; it is.

We eventually made it back to the store, after stopping to meet a very friendly mama cow and calf. The store itself is divided into a front section where shelves of the most gorgeous and often time curious fibres lay in a rainbow of gentle to vibrant colours, all awaiting my perusal. Then there was the back room. Again, I'm restraining from going on too much, but it was set up with a series of looms so anyone interesting in weaving could come and work on projects there. It was just incredible.
Eventually we made our purchases (even Bugaboo and my husband found some treasures; a jar of honey from the bees they keep just out back of the store, and a felted wool ball) and made our way to the tea room passing yet another critter they make their yarns from.


(if you can't see the lable, it says '30% Golden Retriever')

So as a penultimate note to my eccentric new love of wool, I have mostly finished my sweater for luvingthemummyhood's Summer Sweater Knit Along, I just need to set it and sew in the ends. Also, I've been playing away with my beautiful wool. I'm in the middle of a baby sweater from the wool book, and have been knitting up a few quick projects just so I could feel it.

It's a wonderful new obsession of mine and it has leagues and leagues of room to grow and thing for me to learn, so I guess this is a little warning that there may be a lot of talk abut wool in the near future. Oh, and as a final note, I couldn't extend my turn with the wool book from the library because it was already being requested by other folks, but I didn't mind because I know next chance I get, I'm picking up a copy for myself (to read and re-read, because I'm insane).

Now, back to knitting!

Friday, July 22, 2011

garden jungle update

So while we were away on vacation, a friend of mine came over to water my garden for me. Assumably she also danced around it witch-doctor style or performed top secret botanical experiments because I left her to care for this:

And she somehow turned it into this:

By the way, this is not me complaining; it's fantastic! I've (as previously mentioned) never had a garden or even grown anything successfully ever! I to have a commendable track record for keeping cacti alive, and that's where it ends, but not this time. Just look!

Snow Peas!


Holy squash batman!

Even the watermelons that were dead when I left have come back to life!

And while the garden is a great joy for me, seeing it bursting out of it's little wooden confines, fussing in it in the cool morning while Bugaboo plays in the yard, showing him how the little plants grow; it's nothing compared to the joy and pride I get in feeding my little man yummy treats we grew together, picked fresh off the plant. It's absolutely wonderful!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

warning - overload!

This is just a small WARNING!  I’ve been crazy busy and tired (and pregnant) and it’s made me sad that I’ve had no time to blog.  Especially because I’ve had all sorts of fun things to blog about, so prepare thyself, because there will be compensation over the next few days.

While I considered dumping everything into one terrifying Godzilla-blog, I think I’ll settle for spreading it out over a few days at least.

Except for today, because this is just a warning and it doesn’t really count.


(apparently, Where The Wild Things Are, is in Great Grampy’s garden)

Friday, July 8, 2011

summer vacationing

So I know it's only the beginning of July, but it since we just got back from our vacation, it seems like summer is already over. Here's hoping for some lovely summer weather (lovely, not hot) to bring me back around. Anyhow, being gone for two weeks and then needing at least a week to recover, here I am having posted nothing for three weeks! Crazy. Well, while I have been enjoying some crafting while I was visiting, my thoughts today were more on the traveling in general. This is the third time we've flown my little man coast to coast and back, but only the first time since he started walking. Fortunately, both my husband and I were traveling together, and the airlines and other travelers were really nice. On the way there, the guy next to us was letting Bugaboo play with his blackberry playbook (nice, but not too wise) and on the way back, another man switched seats so we'd have three in a row so we could have extra space. Thanks again!

(Apparently planes make him silly; he insisted I should take a picture of his tummy, which he found hilarious)

However, other than the good luck and the 2:1 adult-child ratio, we did have a few tricks up our sleeves, which was a good thing because the airlines only had one episode of the Backyardigans and while we did watch it three times, it wasn't cutting the mustard. Again, nothing revolutionary, but man, did these make life easier:

Travelling with Toddlers Trick #1: Toy Travel Pack

Basically, this was a lunchbox filled with toys, some of which were brand new. We'd only take two out at a time (one for each hand) and kept switching things up when he got bored. Here's some of the things we used, and the ones that worked best are asterisked.

  1. Stamp set (not necessarily with any ink, depending on your child. Bugaboo=no ink)

  2. *Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends Train (we just found Thomas and Toby together on sale for $9, woot)

  3. Puzzles (the little wooden ones without too many pieces are best)

  4. *Cars (Hotwheels, Matchbox, etc.)

  5. Little People (Fisher Price toys)

  6. Books

  7. Twistables & Colouring Book (or just a pad of paper)

  8. Finger Puppets

  9. Rubber Duckie

  10. *Pez Dispenser (we don't give him the candy, but he really loves the toy part)

  11. *Oh and don't forget any soothers or bottles or any other must haves. Bugaboo has recently started putting things in his mouth when he gets tired, so we give him chewy soothers to chew on.

Pretty much any smallish favourite toy that doesn't have parts that you can lose and that doesn't make noise (especially if you are on a plane for a few hours) works well. And our other trick...

Travelling with Toddlers Trick #2: Snacks (duh)

(note: that was my V8, he wouldn't have anything to do with the stuff; the bottle however...)

Well, it's not as obvious as it sounds because I know that they sell stuff on the planes, and there's all sorts of things you can buy in the airports if you have time, but it's hard to get something healthy so your little one isn't feeling all gross and junky for the next leg of the trip. Conversely, especially if your toddler has trouble with their ears on take off and landings, you need something to either chew/suck on or that's just so yummy they don't notice their discomfort. We ended up feeding Bugaboo a mix of carrots, cheese and crackers during the flight, and then gummy treats as we landed. We goofed for the first flight and had nothing on hand, and while he's normally fine he woke up during descent so cranky+ouchy ears=upset little boy. However, the promise of chocolate (the end all be all as far as treats are concerned) was enough to calm him until we touched down.

Oh, also, we got to actually use his Trunki, which we got for him just after Christmas. I guess that counts as Trick #3. Our opinion: ride on luggage=awesome. It doesn't turn well and it's not for rushing (not until he gets some better balance at least) but he didn't mind as we trekked up and down the terminal in search of a food vendor that preggo-mommy would actually be able to eat at. It was really nice being able to pull him along instead of trying to carry him or worse, get him to walk (he was exhausted; we all were). Plus, as an added bonus, watching him enjoy himself made mommy and daddy feel better too.

So we ended up with a decent (if exhausting) trip and a marvelous vacation. What a wonderful way to kick start our summer. Now, what to do next?